The objective of this project was to promote the creation of a handmade glass for a dinner.

Although the glass creation was important, the absence of human presence makes it almost mythological. Everything happens on a beach during the day, as a surreal place for a dinner
to accentuate the mystique of the stage.

I use C4D as a main soft, with redshift for rendering, Houdini for the FX, aftereffect for the postproduction 
and PremierPro for the montage. 


The glass morphing part is created using two setups. On one hand, there is a simulation of glass and sand, and on the other hand, there is a simulation of smoke.

Thanks to the "PyroSourceSpread" node, I have 3 groups off points animated, the black line below will be the emit group for the sand simulation.

To get the effect of creating glass, all I have to do is invert the animation. In addition, the color attribute, a ramp from white to black, will be helpful for creating glass shader, that will emit red and have a displacement only on the white part.

The Smoke is emit only on the white part, and have the Glass mesh on collider for a more realistic result.

The use of AOV allows for more control over every aspect of the image, including diffuse, refraction
and reflection. The Z pass is utilized to control Blur and Color on specific parts, 
such as the foreground or background.

Here is the final image with glow and color correction, with Colorista.

Wine Glass


Wine Glass
